Vocabulario de cocina en inglés
Ways of Cooking

Es un aporte de Helena, quien también da clases de inglés. Podés contactarla por Facebook: Helena Salico
¡Gracias Helena!

Boiling is cooking in boiling
water. Boil: vegetables, eggs, potatoes, mutton, etc. by covering them with water and heating to a high temperature.

Steam: fish, vegetables, puddings, etc by placing the food above boiling water and covering it Watery vapor and steam pass off from' boiling water. Steam is invisible; watery vapor is visible, and is often miscalled steam.
Stewing is cooking in a small amount of hot water for a long time at low temperature; it is the most economical way of cooking meats, as all nutriment is retained, and the ordinary way of cooking cheaper cuts. Thus fibre and connective tissues are softened, and the whole is made tender and palatable.
Broiling is cooking over or in front of a clear fire. The food to be cooked is usually placed in a greased broiler or on a gridiron held near the coals, turned often at first to sear the outside, - thus preventing escape of inner juices, - afterwards turned occasionally. Tender meats and
fish may be cooked in this way. The flavor obtained by broiling is particularly fine. Grill (also broil in AE) flat pieces of meat or fish, etc. by placing them under direct heat.
Barbecue: meat, etc, outside on a special grill that is heated by an open fire
Roasting is cooking before a clear fire, with a reflector to concentrate the heat. Heat is applied in the same way as for broiling, the difference being that the meat for roasting is placed on a spit and allowed to revolve. Baking is cooking in a range oven.
Frying is cooking by means of immersion in deep fat raised to a temperature of 350° to 400° F. For frying purposes
olive oil, lard, beef drippings, and cocoanut butter are used.Fry: meat, fish, eggs, etc in a shallow pan of hot oil. Chips, etc can be completely covered in very hot oil and deep-fried.
Rules for Testing Fat for Prying. 1. When the fat begins to smoke, drop in an inch cube of
bread from soft part of loaf, and if in forty seconds it is golden brown, the fat is then of right temperature for frying any cooked mixture.
Sautéing is frying in a small quantity of fat. Food so cooked is much more difficult of digestion than when fried in deep fat; it is impossible to cook in this way without the food absorbing fat. A frying-pan or griddle is used; the food is cooked on one side, then turned, and cooked on the other.
Roast: large pieces of meat, potatoes, etc in some oil in the heat of an oven.
Bake: bread, biscuits, etc in the heat of an oven.
Braising is stewing and baking (meat). Meat to be braised is frequently first sauted to prevent escape of much juice in the gravy. The meat is placed in a pan with a small quantity of stock or water, vegetables (
carrot, turnip, celery, and union) cut in pieces, salt, pepper, and sweet herbs. The pan should have a tight-fitting cover. Meat so prepared should be cooked in an oven at low uniform temperature for a long time. This is an economical way of cooking, and the only way besides stewing or boiling of making a large piece of tough meat palatable and digestible.
Fricasseeing is sautéing and serving with a sauce. Tender meat is fricasseed without previous cooking; less tender meat requires cooking in hot water before fricasseeing. Although
veal is obtained from a young creature, it requires long cooking; it is usually sautéd, and then cooked in a sauce at low temperature for a long time.
Expressions with cook

Cook the books (infml) to alter facts and figures dishonestly or illegally
Cook someone’s goose (infml) to make sure that sb fails: When the police found his finger prints he knew his goose was cooked (ie knew that he would be caught)
Phrasal verb: cook sth up (infml) to invent sth, esp in order to deceive: cook up an excuse / a story / a theory.
Idiom: TOO MANY COOKS SPOIL THE BROTH (saying) If too many people are involved in doing sth, it will not be done.
Cook –chill: adj (of food) prepared by being cooked kept at a low temperature and then heated again: cook – chill meals

Cook book

A kitchen stove, cooker or cookstove is a
kitchen appliance designed for the purpose of cooking food. Kitchen stoves rely on the application of direct heat for the cooking process and may also contain an oven, used for baking.
Hornilla: heating hole, stew hole (of a coal stove), gas ring (of a gas stove), plate (of an electric stove)
Modern kitchen stoves have both burners on the top (also known as the cooktop or range or, in British English, the hob) and, as noted, an oven. A cooktop just has burners on the top and is usually installed into a
countertop. A drop-in range has both burners on the top and an oven and hangs from a cutout in the countertop (that is, it cannot be installed free-standing on its own).
An oven is an enclosed compartment for
heating, baking or drying. It is most commonly used in cooking and pottery. Ovens used in pottery are also known as kilns. An oven used for heating or for industrial processes is called a furnace or industrial oven.

Otras notas sobre idiomas: Idiomas (9)

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